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11 Reasons to Shop Small in Downtown Rochester

This year marks the 11th Small Business Saturday, a day to celebrate your favorite small businesses and make a difference in the community. Here are the top 11 reasons (not in order of importance) to Shop Small in downtown Rochester November 28 and every Saturday until December 19, 2020!

11. Embrace what makes downtown Rochester unique. Variety is the spice of life! Support those businesses that make our downtown community exciting.

10. Support someone’s dream. Passion and hard work went into an opening of a small business. Celebrate that accomplishment and frequent the establishment.

9. Avoid crazy Black Friday lines. Instead, have a relaxing breakfast, grab some coffee to go, and get ready to meander the streets.

8. Stroll from store to store. Within downtown Rochester’s easily-walkable 44-block district, you can get in a day’s steps and walk off that Thanksgiving meal from a couple days prior!

7. Help small businesses create jobs. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses created about 1.9 million net new jobs in 2018.

6. Increase a sense of community: In a 2018 Small Business Saturday consumer survey, 96 percent of Small Business Saturday shoppers said “the day makes them want to Shop Small” throughout the year.

5. Get one-of-a-kind finds. More than 200 downtown Rochester businesses are locally owned, which means you’ll find something truly unique or the best-of-its-kind service.

4. Experience personal connection and service. Small businesses often provide exceptional customer service and specialize in relationships with their community members.

3. Keep dollars local. Spend $100 locally and $68 of it stays in the community, compared to only $43 spent at a non-local, national chain, according to

2. Perpetuate the good. About 60 percent of local businesses use recycled materials, reducing packaging waste and decreasing the carbon footprint. Small businesses also use the goods and services of other local businesses.

1. It just feels good to support your community’s businesses!

Look for discounts, special events, and other fun at participating businesses during Small Business Saturday November 28 in downtown Rochester.